Sunday, April 19, 2009

Did I mention, I'm in Sales? part 2

Ah, it's good to finally take a shower. I start to sing "I dream the dream of times gone by..." and I think of Susan Boyle. (Maybe not the best picture in the shower.) And I reason, if she can find success at 47, I feel certain I can regain mine. I imagine standing before Simon Cowell. He says, "Your sales career was in the toilet but that last sale, well that made up for ALL the days you stayed in bed and moaned about the economy. Jenna Bradley, you can go back to work with your head held high..." The crowd erupts. I do notice Simon doesn't have his cheeks between his hands or that "I just ate a bird" popping smile. Undaunted, I run to the side of the stage with my fists raised in the air. "Ah, it's good to be on top."
The water begins to get cold, so I turn off the shower and feel comforted by my sudden stardom and my stink-free body. I quickly go to my computer to check my leads for the day. Man, it's been a while since I have done that. How long I really can't remember? Does my sales manager know this, I wonder? Let me just look for the whole month. Ughhhh, ONE, one lead for 30 days and I know this group - it's not a lead at all! I eye the pencil on my desk and convince myself not to stick it in my eye. What to do, what to do???? Cold Call? The thought causes a deep pain to jar my intestines. For a second I think I might have food poisoning.
I call a friend from another territory. He tells me he will call me back, He's on his way to the movies with his wife and kids. "Is it Saturday I ask?" "Oh, your taking the day off because your not that busy," I repeat back to him. I hang up the phone, shaking my head. It's way too early to start drinking. For a moment, I consider an afternoon movie but decide the $7.50 ticket would buy me 2 latte's at Starbucks instead. Every penny counts today.
I haven't been to church since I was a kid, but I lay my head down on my desk and pray for wisdom. Actually, I pray to win the lottery and then I pray for wisdom.
In an instant I am transported to a television studio. The dream is in black and white. There is a man about to speak to a camera. He's old and isn't at all familiar to me. I wonder if he's God. Before I am allowed to watch the recording, I must agree to abide by whatever he says. I hope he's not going to ask me to belly dance because I'm feeling kind of fatty these day. I am also asked to stop allowing my ego to rule my life. "What ego, I ask myself." I agree and my dream moves forward.

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