Thursday, April 16, 2009

Salespeople are the life blood to keep this economy moving!

Today the housing market was again in the news with some pretty bad numbers: 1 in 159 homes in America are in foreclosure. Most of us know someone who is likely facing this scenario. At least you do if you live in one of the hardest hit States.

The four hardest hit states: Nevada, Arizona, California and Florida make up over 60% of the homes currently in foreclosure. Add just 4 more States and you total over 70% of homes facing foreclosure.

If you are in sales, selling in one of these States, it's likely you are facing some very tough consumers. And even if your State isn't severely affected by foreclosures, credit lending has become so tight it affects the whole Country. The more homes that fall into foreclosure - the harder it becomes for consumers to secure new loans for homes, businesses or even a college education across the country. And when consumers have a tough time getting loans, they feel poor.

No matter what State you are selling in today, understanding that choosing your prospects wisely will win you big gains. You don't have to sell to the masses to be successful, you simply need to be the best at qualifying a prospect and then keeping that great prospect on your call list or email list at least once a week. Choose your words with great care. Words are what we use to motivate and what we use to sell.

Let's look at one more thing. For just a moment, look past all the bad lending that has occurred over the past decade. Look past the credit derivative fiasco. So much of what has occurred comes down to two simple notions: greed and fear. Greed drives markets to irrational heights. Greed supercharges the ego into believing things it otherwise would not. Masters of the Universe are born during these time - at least their seeping brains believe this to be the case. And when the game is up (and all games end) fear takes over with a mighty force. Everyone fights to hang on to what is left. (Unless of course you are Bernie Madoff and you simply have nothing left.) And if you top it all off with 24 hour news networks that seem to keep it all overinflated, the world is never what it seems or what it could be.

Understanding the psychology of what moves markets is imperative for sales people. The better you understand the emotions of your consumer - during any given moment, and the better you understand markets - the better your sales strategy becomes.

If Americans today are feeling more fearful, your job is to make them less fearful. We need to demonstrate that the time to buy is now because, lets face it, most products and services are selling for a lot less than they were even 12 months ago. Are you sure that this will be the case 6 months from now? No, as a matter of fact, a case can be made for just the opposite. (But that's for another day!) Today, consumers want VALUE and if you can show them value, demonstrate you are willing to go not just the extra mile - but 2 or 3 extra miles, they will be more inclined to work with you. Americans still love to spend money (don't lose sight of that!) But when they are afraid, they are only going to spend it with people they trust. Make that person YOU.

Sales people are the life blood of nearly every business. We are what makes the economy turn. Knowledge, attitude and perseverance will leave your competitors in the dust.

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